
发布时间:2024-03-14 19:31:00 | 来源:中国外文局 | 作者: | 责任编辑:曹川川




Cloth-bag Monk


Cloth-bag Monk (? ~ 916) also named Qi Bi, was born in the Later Liang(907 ~ 923 A.D.). Tradition has it that he always carried a staff with a cloth bag suspended on it and went begging for everything. Just like an insane man, he spoke indefinitely and lay down freely, sleeping everywhere. Prior to his death, he left a Buddhist hymn. It says:“Maitreya, true Maitreya. Reborn innumerable times. From time to time manifested to men. The men of the age do not recognize you.” His images often appear in Buddhist monasteries, popularly called“Big-bellied Maitreya”. 



Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha


Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha is one of the four major Bodhisattvas in Chinese Buddhism. Exhorted by Sakyamuni, Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha took on heavy responsibilities to release souls of sentient beings from the hell in the period after Sakyamuni’s death and before Maitreya’s birth. In that case, they were able to get rid of this troublesome life and avoid going to hell. He once made a great vow:“Buddhahood is unable to be verified until all sentient beings get enlightened, I am not able to become a Buddha until the hell is empty”. 





Amitabha is also known as“Lord of Boundless Light” or“Buddha of Unlimited Light”. He can lead all sentient beings to be reborn in the Pure Land, so he is also called“Leading Buddha”. In the past aeons (Skt. Kalpa), he made great vows to establish the Pure Land, make great efforts to enlighten all sentient beings and achieve solemn merits and virtues. Therefore, he is broadly adored by adherents of the Greater Vehicle of Buddhism(Skt. Mahayana Buddhism). In sculptural art, he hangs down his right hand with his palm forwards, giving a vow-fulfilling gesture, and in the meanwhile, he holds a lotus with his left hand, also giving a boon-granting gesture. In Tantric Buddhism, Amitabha symbolizes Vairocana’s discrimination wisdom, so he is also called“Dew King”. He enjoys thirteen titles, and Amitayus is one of them.



Vajra Club


As a kind of extremely solid weapon in ancient India, Vajra clubs are able to break everything, so named“diamond club”. In Tantric Buddhism, it symbolizes mind of enlightenment (Skt. Bodhicitta), which is able to smash emotional troubles. As a typical sign, it displays a typical feature of indestructible nature of Vajrayana Buddhism.“Vajra” not only serves as a Vajra club’s title, but also refers to a group of deities’ titles or prefixes as well as attributes or warriors in the name of Vajra. In Buddhism, it also symbolizes the impenetrable, imperishable, immovable, immutable, indivisible and indestructible state of absolute reality, that is, the enlightenment of Buddhahood.



Buddhist Flag


Buddhist flag has six colors, which represent lights of Buddha’s holy body. At a time when Buddha attained full enlightenment under a Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya of India in 588 B.C., his holy body immediately emitted lights. Henceforth, he optionally gave out lights in the rest of his life and made use of six colored illuminating bodies to enlighten all sentient beings. Six colors include blue, yellow, red, white, orange and the color mixed with the five colors mentioned above.



Buddha Sakyamuni

佛祖释迦牟尼(梵文:Sakyamuni)原名乔达摩·悉达多(梵文:Siddhārtha Gautama)。“释迦牟尼”原意为释迦族出身的圣者,他是古印度著名的思想家和佛教创始人。释迦牟尼出生在今尼泊尔南部的蓝毗尼。幼年时他曾接受过传统的婆罗门教育,后有感于人生之生、老、病、死带来的各种痛苦,舍弃王族身份,出家修道,被后世尊为“佛陀”(Buddha,意为“觉者”)。根据佛经的说法,释迦牟尼像应有三十二大相和八十种好。

Buddha Sakyamuni was originally called“Siddhārtha Gautama”.“Sakyamuni” originally meant“sage from Sakya Family”. He is a well-known ancient Indian thinker and founder of Buddhism. He was born in current Lumbini in south of Nepal. In his childhood, he received traditional Brahman education, and later on, he felt various sufferings of life caused by birth, old age, sickness and death. As a result, he abandoned his royal family and became a monk. He was revered as“Buddha” (“The Awakened”). According to Buddhist texts, Buddha Sakyamuni statue should have thirty-two signs and eighty major marks.



Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva


Buddhist adherents view Goddess of Mercy (Skt. Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva) as a deity who can help people in sufferings and disasters. Usually, Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva takes on both masculine and feminine appearance. Before the Tang Dynasty, masculine appearance was in great majority. Afterwards, statues of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva gradually tended to take on feminine appearance. With a dignified and kind facial expression, she frequently holds a bottle of pure water with a willow wand in it. With immeasurable wisdom, supernatural power and great compassion, she is able to save all people from disasters on earth. 



Bodhi Tree


As a Sanskrit transliteration, Bodhi has meanings of enlightenment and wisdom and refers to one’s profound and complete realization and extraordinary refined mind. Tradition has it that Buddha Sakyamuni got enlightened under a fig tree. At that time, fig trees were also called Bodhi trees or trees of enlightenment. A pair of senior fellow apprentices named Shen Xiu and Hui Neng wrote Zan poems in dialogues in the Tang Dynasty. They employed things to express and discuss their ideas. The former is:“Like a Bodhi tree is my body. Like a bright mirror stand is my heart. They need cleaning from time to time. No dust is allowed to fall there.” The latter is:“Bodhi is not a tree at all. Bright mirror has not a stand. Nothing is actually there. Dust falls nowhere.” Bodhi tree’s fame spreads far and wide because of the circulation of these two poems.



Yoga, Yogi and Yogini


“Yoga” in Sanskrit originated from ancient India, meaning“coherence”,“combination” and“compatibility”. As one of the six major ancient Indian philosophical schools, Yogacara School and the Middle Way School are viewed as major schools of Indian Mahayana Buddhism. As a practice method, Yoga practice is used for people to have a thorough insight into Buddhist“truths” through visualizations. In Buddhism,“Yogis”, also known as“enlightened ones” or“Yogacara practitioners”, refer to male Yoga practitioners while“Yoginis” represents female Yoga practitioners. Yoga practices advocated in modern society serve as a series of methods to cultivate people’s minds.





Jatakas, also known as Stories of Buddha’s Previous Incarnations, is a collection of Indian Buddhist fables. It probably originated in the third century B.C. According to Buddhist doctrines, Sakyamuni was only a Bodhisattva before he obtained full enlightenment. He finally became a Buddha after countless times of rebirth. Jatakas describes his good deeds and merits in his previous incarnations as a king, a Braham, a merchant, a woman, an elephant and a monkey, thereby praising Buddha and publicizing Buddhist doctrines. The existing Jatakas contains 547 stories, most of which come from Indian folk fables, stories, myths and legends.





Stupas are representatives of Buddha’s mind and used to keep his holy relics. Symbolically, Stupas contain a whole set of iconographical meanings. Each component represents a certain aspect to the enlightened path. After his peaceful detachment (Skt. Nirvana), his disciples from all sides separately set up eight great Stupas,including Enlightenment Stupa, Bodhi Stupa, Dharma-wheel Stupa, Miraculous Stupa, Descent Stupa, Harmonious Stupa, Victorious Stupa and Nirvana Stupa. In addition, bKav-gdams Stupas prevalent in monasteries of bKav-gdams-pa Sect are a typical modeling of the Yuan Dynasty.



Offering Sacrifices and Benefactors


“Offering sacrifices” and“benefactors” are respectively known as“making offerings” and“donators”.“Offering sacrifices” means to provide money and valuables, costumes, flowers and joss sticks in mental and physical worship of Three Jewels. Monks need to break off all external connections in meditations, so it is hard for them to look for necessaries of life for themselves. As a result, they need donations from religious adherents. However, after receiving donations from others, they should remember to transfer merits to others. Benefactors refer to some pious religious adherents, who donate money and provide goods or labor forces to make holy sculptures, dig caves and set up religious sites so as to disseminate Buddhist teachings.





Nirvana, also known as“still quiescence” or“in a detachment state”, is a laudatory title of“death” with a meaning of“neither arising nor ceasing”. Nirvana is a supreme level in Buddhist meditations and enlightenment. Only by thoroughly cutting off troubles through meditations on Dharma, greatly accumulating merits and transcending the cycle of birth and death, could people reach a“neither arising nor ceasing” Nirvana state. 



Roaming Monks


Roaming monks are called“Walking Monks” or“Yunshui Monks”. The Chinese term“Yunshui” (cloud and water) originated from the poetic imagery in meditations on Zen Sect’s doctrines. Roaming monks refer to a group of monks without definite residences who wander here and there for the purpose of conducting self-meditation, enlightening others or searching for great masters and eminent monks. Either a single monk or a group of monks can wander in this way.



Retribution for Sins


Retribution for sins (Skt. Karma) is also known as“this Karma”. It refers to cause and result of things. It originated from Buddhist fatalism, which believes that a certain cause surely brings a certain result. It is also a basic Buddhist theory on retribution for good or evil deeds. Retribution for sins can be classified into retribution before our eyes, retribution for this or future deeds and quick retribution. The first retribution means that good or evil deeds will bring retribution of suffering and pleasure. The second one refers to the fact that one’s deeds in his previous life will bring retribution in this life or one’s deeds in this life will bring retribution in his future life. The third one reveals the fact that one’s deeds in his present life will bring retribution at once.



Wisdom Eye


Wisdom eye (Skt. Urna), known as“divine eye” or“the third eye”, originated from Hindus Shiva’s huge eyes. In Buddhism, eyes can be classified into bodily vision, divine vision, wisdom vision, Dharma vision and Buddha vision, representative of five visions used to observe different objects. Wisdom eye generally refers to the wisdom to realize the real truth and see through everything on earth. Wisdom eyes in different shapes can be seen on Buddha statues (for example, on One Thousand-handed and One Thousand-eyed Avalokiteshvara’s palms), pagodas or Buddhist architectures.



Buddha Bathing Festival


Buddha Bathing Festival, also known as“Buddha’s Birth Festival”, originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty and prevailed in the Tang and Song Dynasties. It is still popular up to today. Tradition has it that Sakyamuni pointed at the sky and the earth with both his hands after his birth, saying:“Me, myself and I rule the world.” As a result, the ground shook and nine giant dragons spat out water to bathe him. From then on, Buddhist adherents from all directions would wash Buddha statues in commemoration of his birthday. On that day, monks and nuns would offer joss sticks, flowers, lamps and candles and place copper Buddha statues into water to wash and clean them. On these occasions, common people would try to be the first to give donations, free captured animals, seek for babies and pray for Buddha’s blessings. 



Dunhuang Grotto


Dunhuang Grotto is situated in the western end of Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province. As a valuable historical and cultural heritage in China and in the whole world, it was built in the Pre-Qin period (351-394) among sixteen kingdoms of Eastern Jin. After expansions in several dynasties, it formed such a large scale. Dunhuang Grotto is 1, 680 meters long from south to north, and 50 meters high. Caves are distributed well-proportionally on five-layer bluffs of the Singing Sand Mountain. Dunhuang Grotto is famous far and wide for its exquisite murals and lifelike sculptures. It has 735 caves, a mural area forty-five thousand square meters and 2,415 clay painted sculptures. In 1987, Gansu Dunhuang Mogao Grotto was listed on the World Cultural Heritage Directory, becoming the largest extant Buddhist treasure with luxuriant content in the whole world.



Picture Depicting a Mongol Driving a Tiger


Picture Depicting a Mongol Driving a Tiger is always painted on walls of monasteries or porches of private residences. The moral of this picture is“eliminating disasters and bringing good luck”. In this picture, a Mongol warrior holds an iron chain which ties down a bright-colored tiger. Purportedly, Mongol warrior, iron chain and tiger respectively symbolize Tantric Buddhist Three Masters (Avalokiteshvara, Manjusri and Vajrapani Bodhisattvas). As one of the mural themes in Tibetan Buddhism and one of the traditional Tibetan auspicious patterns, it contains a profound moral. It is hoped that it could bring Three Masters’ protection and blessings and to eliminate disasters. This picture is believed to prevent pestilences and bring good luck.





Seals are used on documents to show identifications or signatures. In the history of Xizang, many important seals are worth mentioning, such as Seal of Prince of Pave-lan, Imperial Seal to Panchen Erdeni, Seal of State Initiation Tutor, Seal of Dalai Lama, Buddha of Great Compassion in the West, Leader of the Buddhist Faith beneath the Sky, Holder of the Vajra, etc.


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