
发布时间:2024-01-16 21:49:00 | 来源:中尼铁路和南亚交流微信公众号 | 作者: | 责任编辑:


China-Nepal Railway and South Asia Exchange No.54


Six People Talking: Multi-disciplinary Observation of the Development of Happiness of the Tibetan People in China

本期主持人:孙勇 四川师范大学华西边疆研究所教授

Moderator: Sun Yong, Professor, West China Frontier Research Institute of Sichuan Normal University

对话人:The interlocutor

巴尔穆昆达·雷格米 尼泊尔特里布文大学教授 

Balmukunda Regmi, Professor, Tribhuvan University, Nepal 

狄方耀 西藏民族大学南亚研究所教授  

Di Fangyao, Professor, Institute of South Asian Studies of Xizang University for Nationalities 

高亮 四川大学尼泊尔研究中心副研究员

Gao Liang, Associate Researcher, Nepal Research Center of Sichuan University

杨荣涛 副研究员四川师范大学华西边疆研究所   

Yang Rongtao, Associate Researcher, West China Frontier Research Institute of Sichuan Normal University

朱晓舟 副教授四川师范大学历史文化和旅游学院

Zhu Xiaozhou, Associate Professor, School of History Culture and Tourism of Sichuan Normal University

朱明杰 陕西师范大学在读博士

Zhu Mingjie, PhD Candidate of Shaanxi Normal University

(图为西藏自治区加查县冷达乡共康村易地扶贫搬迁点居民新村。The picture shows the new village of residents of Gongkang Village, Lengda Township, Jiacha County, Xizang Autonomous Region.)


Host: Fellow academics, happy New Year! New Year’s Day is over. Now, in January 2024, we have a question that needs to be talked about, and that's where people are moving away from us and people are shouting about what the human rights of Xizang are going to talk about. Of course, this is not a new topic, but it can be a common topic. I see,"people's happiness is the largest human right, and development is the key to realizing the happiness of the people". This is a good statement. Please talk about what you've learned and what you think.


Regmi: This is a topic that politicians on the other side of the world love to hype. I have been to Xizang, China, and I have seen the great constructions in Lhasa, the smiling people of all ethnic groups walking on the streets, and the happy conversations with friends in the academic and business circles. These are all true reflections of"human rights" in Xizang.


Di Fangyao: I fully agree that"people's happiness is the greatest human right, and development is the key to realizing people's happiness." I have been doing research on the economic development of Xizang for decades. Every year, I go to Xizang with my colleagues and students. We often make inspections in rural areas, towns and border settlements. The happiness of the people at the grassroots level is getting more and more strong. Their faces shone with the pride of indescribable happiness.

(图为2023年1月22日,西藏日喀则藏历农家年,在拉孜县扎西宗乡杂村的次旦老人家中,次旦老人的儿孙们在一边弹扎念琴一边跳舞,次旦老人(左二)一脸幸福的微笑。次旦老人在民主改革前是“差巴”(领种份地,向农奴主支差役的人),1959年民主改革彻底废除了旧西藏政教合一的封建农奴制度,次旦一家也迎来了春天。In this photo taken on January 22, 2023, in Xigatse, Xizang, the Tibetan New Year, the aged Chidan (2nd L) smiles happily as his children and grandchildren dance while playing the Zagnan at his home in Zhaxizong Township of Laze County. Before the democratic reform, Chidan was a“Chaba” (people who received land and sent servants to serf owners). In 1959, the democratic reform completely abolished the feudal serfdom system under theocracy in old Xizang, and the Chidan family also ushered in the spring.)


Zhu Mingjie: The photo above has a very contemporary feeling, and I was impressed of the joyful atmosphere. Among my classmates, there are ethnic minorities from all over China, and I have frequent exchanges with Tibetan students. From them, I feel that national development is the greatest guarantee for the human rights of the Tibetan people.


Zhu Xiaozhou: I have done some historical research, including some knowledge of the special history of Xizang. Before 1950, were there any human rights in Tibetan-inhabited areas of our country? From a large number of historical documents, we can see the shocking and inhuman records.


Gao Liang: Since my research area involves China-India relations and China-Nepal relations, I also know some of the society and history of China's southwest frontier, and such“interdisciplinary research” is necessary for the development of the discipline. Through field visits and literature searches, we can see from the comparison of cross-border ethnic groups that the rapid development of China has brought a lot of benefits to China's ethnic minorities.


Yang Rongtao: At the West China Frontier Research Institute of Sichuan Normal University where I work,"interdisciplinary research" is a method we often use. From this point of view, we must study the issue of human rights from the disciplines of history, sociology, economics, culturology, ethnology and so on.


Regmi: I see from the research of Chinese scholars that interdisciplinary research is a good approach.


Zhu Xiaozhou: Even from the point of view of history, it contains a lot. For example, as for the history of human rights research, people are also comparing, seeing that in history, Western countries acquired the population colonial advantage in the Americas only after massacred the Indians in large numbers.


Di Fangyao: China's modern and contemporary history shows that Western colonialists not only seriously violated and harmed China's sovereignty and grabbed excess economic interests, but also trampled on China's human rights without restraint and brutally killed ordinary Chinese people, committing heinous human rights crimes.

(图为画家笔下对咸丰十年(1860年)英法联军攻占北京后,占据并烧毁圆明园的描绘。从历史档案中,人们了解到英国军队首领额尔金在英国首相帕麦斯顿的支持下,下令烧毁了圆明园。The picture is a depiction of the Old Summer Palace occupied and burned by British and French forces after they captured Beijing in the tenth year of Xianfeng (1860). From historical archives, people learn that the British army chief Elgin, with the support of the British Prime Minister Palmerston, ordered the burning of the Old Summer Palace.)


Yang Rongtao: When the Western countries invaded China, they killed people and set fires everywhere. Although their"Renaissance" held the banner of civilization very high, they were merciless in the process of plundering Eastern countries.


Regmi: The British East India Company, which had modern weapons, also attacked Nepal.


Zhu Xiaozhou: Throughout Asia, as long as the countries were enslaved by colonial countries, there is such a history. So, those Western politicians who talk about human rights, do they want to continue? In fact, as we all know, a certain country has"clip coupons" from the whole world through hegemonic behavior, which infringes on the development and welfare of third world countries.


Gao Liang: The discipline of international politics that we are studying today is a discipline whose main research object is the political relationship between various actors in the international society and its operating mechanism and laws. Through research, we have found that human rights issues and minority issues are often used as political tools in international politics. Countries that have forgotten history often use this issue to achieve their political goals.


Zhu Mingjie: Many of our young researchers still have to work hard in these areas. For example, some people read articles from overseas on the Internet, which always say that you should fight for"human rights" against regulations that restrict your freedom. It can be said that some views are harmful to the health of society, causing suspicion and anxiety among some people in society. It is necessary to distinguish the so-called"human rights" from the sociological sense.


Host: When scholars look at human rights issues from a multidisciplinary perspective, they can help people have a more comprehensive understanding of the origin and context of this issue and see the whole picture of this issue in a more comprehensive way. This is the academic purport of"interdisciplinary research".


Di Fangyao: From the perspective of social fairness and justice, the development and progress of human rights in Xizang in contemporary China is the inevitable result of upholding the social concept of fairness and justice in Chinese modernization.


Yang Rongtao: Yes, from the perspective of ethics, China's moral concept of justice organically combines equality for all people with social fairness and justice. The state supports advanced regions, while pays more attention to the development of underdeveloped regions, and cares more about those ethnic groups with small population. In the pursuit of prosperity, no ethnic group or individual will be left behind. This is the largest manifestation of human rights in China. When I went to Sichuan University for Nationalities to study, I also experienced this point.


Gao Liang: Exactly! Then, from the perspective of the continuous progress of the human rights situation in Xizang, it is also the inevitable result of contemporary China's adherence to the concept of human comprehensive modernization.


Zhu Xiaozhou: It should not be ignored that the development and progress of China's human rights is the result of upholding the concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature. In this regard, American scientists found that the green area in China and India had grown from 10 percent to 33 percent. Of course, the conclusion is that China's green growth is positive, which contributes a lot to the survival of human beings.

(图为中国毛乌素沙漠治理前后的对比图。毛乌素沙漠,位于陕西和内蒙古之间,面积约4.22万平方公里,曾经是中国的四大沙漠之一,经过几十年的治理,这里已经是一片绿意盎然的景象。The picture shows a comparison of the Mu Us Desert in China before and after treatment. The Mu Us Desert, located between Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia, covers an area of 42,200 square kilometers and was once one of China's four major deserts. After decades of treatment, it has become a lush green scene.)


Di Fangyao: The improvement of the ecological environment in Xizang is also obvious. In 2023 alone, 1.2 million mu of green land will be created and 6.14 million mu of degraded grassland will be restored. The proportion of days with good ambient air quality is more than 99%, and the water quality of major rivers and lakes meets or exceeds Class III standards. Four new national ecological progress demonstration zones were added. Countless people have participated in environmental governance, and they are the main body of environmental protection.


Zhu Xiaozhou: From a historical point of view, the vast majority of the people of contemporary Xizang are builders, participants and beneficiaries of environmental improvement. Many of the documents promulgated by the government contain provisions that encourage people to afforestation, and also embody human rights, making people to creat green mountains and clear waters and enjoy the benefits of China's human rights cause.


Regmi: Good point! In 2023, I went to Xizang and Sichuan, and I saw with my own eyes that the ecology is very good and the natural environment for people to live in has been continuously improved with development.


Zhu Mingjie: Education in Xizang also embodies full human rights. I once went to Lhasa and other places for teaching practice, and learned that the enrollment rate of young people is very high, and it is common for girls to go to school, just like boys.


Di Fangyao: The so-called"boarding schools" in Xizang, which some people in Western countries call a deprivation of human rights, is a completely groundless slander. A large number of facts have proved that boarding schools are very popular among people at the grassroots level in rural areas, where students are well cared for by teachers and learn a lot of modern knowledge in a collective living environment.


Yang Rongtao: When we went to Sichuan University for Nationalities to participate in academic activities, we got to know Mr. Laga Tang Zhou. He told me that he was a Tibetan student who studied and lived in a boarding school, and later he was admitted to the university, and later he graduated with a doctorate, and now he is a teacher in the university. He thinks it is ridiculous that lies invented by Western politicians should be proposed for discussion at a UN meeting.

(图为西藏自治区措美县古堆乡小学宽敞明亮的教室里学生在自习。这是一所寄宿制学校,这个乡平均海拔4500米,距离县城50多千米,仅有1150余人,国家对寄宿制的学生实施了“三包”(包吃、包住、包生活学习费用)政策,古堆乡小学每月每名学生的补助标准为人民币510元。Students study by themselves in a spacious and bright classroom of Gudui Township Primary School in Cuomei County, Xizang Autonomous Region. This is a boarding school, the township average altitude 4500 meters, more than 50 kilometers away from the county, with only more than 1150 people. To implement the"three free policies" (eat for free, live for free, free living and study fees) to the boarding students, the county provides each student of Gudui Township primary school monthly subsidy of 510 yuan.)


Gao Liang: South Asian countries also have"human rights issues" seduced by the West, and I think their purpose is the same, that is, to mess up a normal country.


Regmi: In Nepal, many people have been worried that the Western interferes may invite national and regional instability.


Host: I fully understand Professor Regmi's feelings. The discipline of geopolitics originated in European countries and later matured in the United States. I have taught the course"Introduction to Geopolitics" for graduate students, and I am well aware of the influence of this subject in the Western academic and political circles (think tanks). The country on the other side of the ocean is keen on"long-arm jurisdiction", which lies in their thinking about"far-geopolitical relations".


Di Fangyao: The host's opinion deserves attention. Western politicians have been playing the"human rights card" for a long time, but their real purpose is not to really care about human rights, but to use human rights to mess up other countries.


Zhu Mingjie: In the field of international politics, international relations and other studies, it is clear that the concept of human rights originates from the West. Human rights should at least be understood from the"right to survival and development" of people in sovereign countries, right? How can anyone who undermines the sovereignty of another country and deprives its people of their rights to survival and development be qualified to submit a Bill of Rights?


Gao Liang: I really agree with Zhu Mingjie!


Yang Rongtao: Zhu Mingjie's views echo the views of the host and Professor Di Fangyao. I agree! The host has explained the course"Introduction to Geopolitics" many times, and I also have experience after listening to it.


Regmi: These issues are also discussed in Nepali academic circles, and the news media often refer to"geopolitics" and"geo-economics". I hope to hear the academic views of Chinese scholars in this field in the future.


Gao Liang: The Nepal Research Center of the Institute of South Asian Studies of our university welcome Professor Regmi to visit. During the last six-people talk, Professor Huang Zhengduo from my unit had a dialogue with Mr. Regmi. We hope to have more exchanges in this regard in the future.


Di Fangyao: The study of South Asia in our university also has its own characteristics and has made some achievements. I appreciate the cross-university, cross-province, transnational and interdisciplinary official account organized by the Institute of West China Frontier Studies of Sichuan Normal University. This kind of non-governmental academic exchange plays a more flexible role than journals, magazines and newspapers in promoting people-to-people exchanges in South Asia.


Yang Rongtao: We also hope that through this form, we can quickly communicate with scholars from China, Nepal, India, Pakistan and other Asian countries, and hope that this official account will be recognized and participated by academic colleagues.


Gao Liang:The peach and plum trees do not speak, but everyone goes towards them. I wish all my colleagues at Sichuan Normal University a happy and healthy New Year and a better career!


Zhu Mingjie: Once again, I wish all teachers a happy and healthy New Year! I hope to have the opportunity to study and investigate in South Asian countries in the future. I hope to continue to receive guidance and help from experts in academic fields related to Xizang.


Regmi: The Chinese Spring Festival is coming up, and I'm meeting some scholars from Asian countries to talk about the Spring Festival. I hope you all have a look at our conversation! At that time, we will pay New Year's greetings to our Chinese academic colleagues.


Host: At the beginning of the New Year, we have talked a lot about cross-school, cross-provincial, transnational and interdisciplinary exchanges, which is very interesting. I also wish you all good luck in the New Year! That's all for this conversation. Thank you, scholars! Thank you, Professor Regmi!



The dialogue of six people,totally seven plus the host, in this issue of"China-Nepal Railway and South Asian Exchanges", has been launched in the New Year for the first time since the opening of this officia account. The content involved is very rich, and the conversation has academic value. Now I am pushing it for readers.


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